Bangladesh Institute of Democracy and Development
Representative and Parliamentary Affairs wing (RPA)
Ensuring good governance through parliamentary development

e-Government Procurement in Bangladesh

A Competitive Trend Analysis of e-Government Procurement in Bangladesh. A Competitive Trend Analysis of e-Government Procurement in Bangladesh. A Competitive Trend Analysis of e-Government Procurement in Bangladesh. A Competitive Trend Analysis of e-Government Procurement in Bangladesh . A Competitive Trend Analysis of

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Bangladesh Institute of Democracy and Development - BIDD

Ensuring good governance through parliamentary development


Representative and Parliamentary Affairs wing (RPA)

The basic idea behind the establishment of Representative and Parliamentary Affairs wing is to strengthen parliamentary democracy in the country and foster a sense of solidarity and spirit of democratic citizenship among its people, in short to make democracy by organizing principle of the social and political life of the people of Bangladesh.

Security Studies Wing (SSW)

The SSW wing is a specialist centre within the institute (BIDD), seeks to integrate academic theory with practical knowledge, which is essential for a complete and comprehensive understanding security threats from political, religious and vulnerable motivated groups. It is also designed for comprehensive research in health, food and environmental security issues.

Sustainable Development Studies Wing (SDS)

The purpose of this wing is to develop a comprehensive holistic approach to sustainable development in which local ownership is central. This research wing is developed to facilitate sustainable livelihood through participatory natural and non natural resources management and socio-economic empowerment.


Bangladesh Journal of Parliamentary Affairs

BIDD announces, "Call for Papers" for the first edition of its journal of "Bangladesh Journal of Parliamentary Affairs". The journal will cover all relevant issues impinging on democracy and governance matrix of the world in general, Asia in particular and Bangladesh in specific.

ISSN 2077 9844


Security Scripts

BIDD announces, "Call for Papers" for the first edition of its semiannual journal title "Security Script".

ISSN 2413-418X